Monday, September 19, 2011

Exploring eDiscovery Information Security

A post on the Pivot Point Security Blog.

This blog post provides information and links regarding ISO 27001 certification for security of electronic data. As the post references, " The discovery process involves a lot of sensitive material, and clients want to be assured that the data is safeguarded. As a result, corporations and law firms are beginning to demand some assurances that the eDiscovery solutions they rely on will meet their needs."

As the item further states, "The people who run high-powered corporations and firms often work in a fast-paced environment, and although eDiscovery security is very important to them, it is not something they think about constantly. When they get rushed, they are unlikely to comply with or fully utilize the safeguards of systems with lesser security. However, an eDiscovery platform which has an ISO 27001 certification already has those safeguards automatically and uniformly implemented. The customer's information remains safe without any effort on the customer's part."

1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much for sharing our article. We hope your readers find it informative.
