Thursday, July 21, 2011

How Much Data is Facebook Giving Law Enforcement Under Secret Warrant

Article by Sharon D. Nelson, Esq. posted on the blog Ride the Lightining. 

This article touches on the fact that Facebook has been frequently sent data production requests under government warrants.  Since Facebook is often sent non-party production requests, due to the fact that they possess user content that is sometimes involved in investigations, Facebook (as many other social media sites, and internet service providers) is often faced with making decisions about what data they need to turn over to legal authorities.

As the artilce points out...there is no way for citizens to know how much data Facebook is really turning over to authorities, in both criminal investigations.  Apparently Facebook has been sujbect to at least 11 requests from government authorities since the start of 2011.  In addition, the article does not refernce civil proceedings where data is being requested, and I am confident that Facebook is riddled with subpoena requests (and possibly Court orders) in civil proceedings.

As the article states:  "What interested me most is that these warrants demands a user's "Neoprint" and Photoprint" - terms I had never heard before which apparently appear in law enforcement manuals and refer to a Facebook compilation of data that the users themselves do not have access to. So much for Facebook's claim that the "Download Your Account" button gives you everything that Facebook itself possesses." 

Big brother is watching...and seems to have more access to user content than the user who posted the data has.

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