Monday, March 26, 2012

In the cloud, your data can get caught up in legal actions

An article by Thomas J. Trappler posted on the website.

This article discusses the use of cloud computing and certain possible pitfalls associated with utilizing a cloud service provider.

The article states, "With cloud computing, data from multiple customers is typically commingled on the same servers. That means that legal action taken against another customer that is completely unrelated to your business could have a ripple effect. Your data could become unavailable to you just because it was being stored on the same server as data belonging to someone else that was subject to some legal action. For example, a search warrant issued for the data of another customer could result in your data being seized as well."

P.S. The use of the cloud will continue to grow, but it is important to understand all of the risks associated with such use.  Certain corporations may need to have special environments created by their cloud service providers, in order to avoid the co-mingling of data within cloud based servers.

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