Monday, July 9, 2012

Lack of eDiscovery Standards Prompts Creation of New Committee

An article by Allie Philpin posted on the blog.

This article discusses a new effort to form standard best practices for eDiscovery, and to create a certification for eDiscovery services providers.

The article states, "In order to create a set of eDiscovery standards that are defensible and suitable for litigation processes and audits during electronic data discovery, experts are in the process of creating a new committee to handle the creation of new standards and address the current large ‘hole’ in eDiscovery methods."

The article further states, "Jason Baron, Director of Litigation at the National Archives and Records Administration is leading the as yet to be formed committee, has said that their work will be based around ISO 9001. He added, “My vision is to have the workgroup accomplish two principal things: first, to raise consciousness on the subject of what constitutes ISO 9001 best practices as applied in the eDiscovery space, and second, to build out a specific eDiscovery Code of Practice standard that could be subject to auditing under an ISO 9001 rubric.” Ideally, he would like this practice to be acknowledged by the judiciary, which would potentially narrow any ancillary disputes over what is deemed best practice."

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