Friday, September 1, 2023

Webinar - vLex - Damien Riehl - September 7th - Enroll now - Application of Generative AI to Legal Tasks 

This practical talk will discuss the most notable advancements on display at ILTACON and AALL 2023. Based on our conversations with leading firms, we’ll explore the application of Generative AI to legal tasks, the role of Retrieval Augmented Generation to those tasks, and how traditional knowledge management and data-science methods (e.g., tagging) will improve LLMs’ effectiveness. Docket data is a treasure trove of litigation insights. We will discuss how vLex products like Docket Alarm are using cutting-edge technologies to put these tools in your hands. This conversation will help legal professionals who seek to critically evaluate and possibly integrate these emerging technologies into their practice.

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Biometric Betrayal: Data Privacy Challenges Posed by Artificial Intelligence and Biometrics


Biometric Betrayal

A book authored by Joe Bartolo, J.D., assessing the current state of privacy rights globally, and the difficulties in protecting data privacy created by disruptive technologies.  #edrm #aceds #iapp #arma #biometrics #dataprivacy #ai #macninelearning #llm 

Saturday, April 29, 2023

AI Cookbook

 The All-Natural Artificial Intelligence Cookbook: Chat GPT Generated Recipes for Healthy Humans